GROW Program provides centre based early behavioural intervention for children up to the ages of six that have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The GROW Program will:
- provide a multidisciplinary child and family centred program that identifies each child’s individual strengths and needs
- build upon skills and abilities in a positive and supportive way
Primary Goal:
- Children will achieve maximum independence and enjoy the highest possible quality of life within their family and community.
How to Access the GROW Program
To access the GROW Program your child must have an official diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
For Referrals or Inquiries Please Contact
Child Development Centre of Fort St. John
10417 106th Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2M8
Telephone: 250 785 3200
Facsimile: 250 785 3202