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Speech & Language Resources

We have put together a collection of information to assist with your child's speech and language development including milestones.

Some information is provided by, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free, trusted resources and information so that every parent is fully empowered to support their child's development and to take advantage of their neuroplasticity at the earliest age.

Communicating With Baby

Identify the Signs is a program that aims to educate the public about the warning signs of communication disorders. Speech, language, and hearing disorders are treatable and early detection is a major contributor to speedier recoveries, shortened treatment periods, and reduced costs for individuals and society.

Visit the Identify the Signs website for tips and milestones from birth to age 5.

Feeding & Swallowing

Eating is a process that a child learns. Getting food or drink into their mouth (using their hands, utensils, or a straw), closing their lips to keep the food in, chewing, getting ready to swallow—it’s more complicated than it looks!

For a spotlight on toddlers and what to look for regarding the potential for feeding and swallowing disorders, click on the link below.


Experts agree that most children who stutter benefit from taking time to speak at a rate that promotes fluency.

Seven guidelines to assist with developing your child's speech courtesy The Stuttering Foundation.

The Talk Box

The Talk Box was put together by speech-language pathologists to share ideas with parents about creating language-rich environments for preschool children. It has everyday tips, information about what to expect in speech and language development, when to get help, and where to get help. This information is meant to be a resource for any parent, but is not meant to be a substitute for a speech-language pathologist.

The Hanen Centre

The Hanen Centre™ is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that is dedicated to supporting professionals, parents, caregivers and educators so they have the skills to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children. This includes children who have language delays/disorders, autistic children, and children who are developing typically.

Find out more about the programs and services offered to parents at The Hanen Centre,

Contact & Location

10417-106th Ave,
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2M8

The Fort St. John Child Development Centre is funded in part by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and Northern Health Authority.

bc ministry of children and family development logo
northern health logo

We respectfully acknowledge the Dane-zaa lands within Treaty 8.  We are grateful to live, work, play and grow in this beautiful region.  It is an honor to build and maintain our relationships with the Beaver, Cree and Metis peoples, in peace and friendship.