Code of Ethics and Conduct
The CDC has adopted a Code of Ethics that every staff, volunteer, and the Executive Director must follow and commit to. The Code of Ethics sets our ethical responsibilities in relationships with children, families, colleagues, community, and society. Many decisions made daily when working with children and their families are of moral or ethical in nature. The Code of Ethics is designed to provide guidelines for responsible behavior and a common basis for resolving ethical dilemmas encountered in the course of employment.
NOTE: By signing a copy of this code of ethics, staff members of the Child Development Centre of Fort St. John & District affirm that:
- I will provide quality care at the highest level while delivering services that are responsible, appropriate, and cost effective.
- I will provide services that are compassionate, creative, and flexible.
- I will not discriminate against or refuse professional services to anyone on the basis of race, colour, creed, age, sex religion, disability, or nationality.
- I will not impose my personal beliefs on my clients – be that religious, cultural or otherwise.
- I will not use my professional relationship to further my own interests.
- I will demonstrate evidence a genuine interest in all persons served, and do hereby dedicate myself to their best interest and helping themselves.
- I will respect the privacy of persons served and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service.
- I will maintain confidentiality when storing or disposing of client records.
- I will maintain a professional attitude, which uphold confidentiality towards individuals served, colleagues, applicants and the Fort St. John Child Development Centre.
- I, upon termination, will maintain client and co-worker confidentiality, and I will hold as confidential any information I obtained concerning the Centre.
- I will respect the rights and views of my colleagues, and treat them with fairness, courtesy and good faith.
- I will not engage in inappropriate / personal conversations with or in front of clients.
- I will not exploit the trust of the public or my co-workers.
- I will make every effort to avoid relationships that could impair my professional judgment.
- I will agree to the process of required Criminal Records Checks.
- I will not engage in or condone any form of harassment or discrimination.
- I will not permit fellow staff members to present themselves as competent or perform services beyond their training and/or level of experience.
- I will respect the confidences of my co-workers.
- When I replace a colleague or am replaced, I will act with consideration for the interest, character and reputation of the other professional.
- I will extend respect and cooperation to colleagues of all professions.
- I will not assume professional responsibility for the clients of a colleague without appropriate consultation with the colleague.
- If I see a client of a colleague during a temporary absences or emergency, I will serve that client with the same consideration afforded any client.
- I shall promote and market services, programs, and the CDC as a whole that consistent and align with the mission, vision, and values.
- I will not engage in contractual relationships or personal property transactions that may put me in a conflict of interest.
- I will not use my position or affiliation with the CDC as an avenue to solicit fundraising for personal gain.
- I will not accept gifts, money, or gratuities except in situations where to do so would be culturally insensitive. Small tokens or gestures are acceptable and if I am in doubt I will seek out guidance.
- I will make every effort to protect the CDC from any waste, fraud, abuse or other wrongdoing.
- If I have the responsibility for employing and evaluating staff performance, I will do so in a responsible, fair, considerate and equitable manner.
- If I know that a colleague has violated ethical standards, I will bring this to my colleague’s attention. If this fails, I will report the activity to my supervisor, Executive Director or designate.
- I will accurately represent my education, training, experience and competencies as they relate to my profession.
- I will correct, when possible, misleading or inaccurate information and representations made by others.
- If serving as a supervisor, I will make certain that the qualifications of persons I supervise are honestly represented.
- I will abide by the Fort St. John Child Development Centre policies regarding speaking to the media.
- I have total commitment to provide the highest quality of service to those who seek my professional assistance.
- I will continually assess my personal strengths, limitation, biases and effectiveness.
- I will strive to become and remain proficient in professional practice and the performance of professional functions.
- I will act in accordance with standards of professional integrity and set professional boundaries so that the client’s best interests are always in the forefront.
- I will not market my own or any outside interests that may result in personal gain or benefit.
- I will not advise on problems outside the bounds of my competence.
- I will seek assistance for any problem that impairs my performance.
- I will follow the Code of Ethics &/or Code of Conduct of any professional organization that I am required to belong as a result of my profession.
- I understand that violation of this code may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
UPDATED 2025-03