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The Child Development Centre is a longstanding, well-respected service provider of intervention and support services for children, youth and their families in the North Peace region of British Columbia.

The Child Development Centre (CDC) has been very strategic in its planning and subsequent growth. Leadership has put a lot of effort into proactively gathering input from persons served, families, funders, local and provincial governments and the community to ensure that the services it currently provides or hopes to develop meet the needs of the persons served

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The CDC has been accredited since 2005 by CARF. We continue with improving our standards and have been accredited to March 2025.

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CARF is an international, independent, not for profit organization that accredits health and human service providers

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Find out more about CARF and accreditation requirements at

Contact & Location

10417-106th Ave,
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2M8

The Fort St. John Child Development Centre is funded in part by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and Northern Health Authority.

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We respectfully acknowledge the Dane-zaa lands within Treaty 8.  We are grateful to live, work, play and grow in this beautiful region.  It is an honor to build and maintain our relationships with the Beaver, Cree and Metis peoples, in peace and friendship.