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Speech Language Program

The Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) at the CDC provides services for children from birth to school entry age (0-5 years). Participation in the Speech-Language Program is voluntary and free of charge.

As a part of the referral process, you will be sent an Ages and Stages Questionnaire. A member of our CDC team (Speech-Language Pathologist, or a Child Development Professional) will contact you to book an intake appointment. The intake appointment will help us learn more about you and your family, and any concerns you may have.

The role of a SLP is to help children:

  • Be understood by strangers (articulation)
  • Understand what others are saying (receptive language)
  • Express themself (expressive language)
  • Who have feeding and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)
  • Who stutter (dysfluency)
  • Use language socially

Primary Goal

To assist children develop effective communication and speech skills prior to entry into the educational system.

How to access the program.

Referrals can be made by parents/guardians, doctors, nurses, audiologist, social workers, and other health care professionals. Referrals should only be made with parent or guardian knowledge and consent.

For referrals or inquiries:

To access the Speech Language Program please contact us or complete the downloadable PDF form or online referral form.

Contact & Location

10417-106th Ave,
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2M8

The Fort St. John Child Development Centre is funded in part by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and Northern Health Authority.

bc ministry of children and family development logo
northern health logo

We respectfully acknowledge the Dane-zaa lands within Treaty 8.  We are grateful to live, work, play and grow in this beautiful region.  It is an honor to build and maintain our relationships with the Beaver, Cree and Metis peoples, in peace and friendship.