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Resources For Parents

There are a number of organizations and groups in Fort St. John to assist with the development of your children. Below are a few that we recommend and work closely in order to offer additional services and insight into your child's growth, development and education.

School District 60 Early Learning

School District #60 offers early learning options for pre Kindergarten aged children and their parents including StrongStart, SD60 PreSchools, Ready Set Learn, Welcome to Kingergarten, Roots of Empathy and more.

Child Care Resource & Referral

Linking families and child care providers in the communities of Fort St. John, Taylor, Charlie Lake, Hudson's Hope, Wonowon, Blueberry, and surrounding areas with free consultation, support, and referral services to parents seeking child care.

Community Bridge

Community Bridge offers a network of counselling and support services in the Peace River-Liard area and will adapt services to best suit the needs of those we serve. Services are professional, prompt, confidential and provided free of charge to individuals, families, children and youth.

Contact & Location

10417-106th Ave,
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2M8

The Fort St. John Child Development Centre is funded in part by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and Northern Health Authority.

bc ministry of children and family development logo
northern health logo

We respectfully acknowledge the Dane-zaa lands within Treaty 8.  We are grateful to live, work, play and grow in this beautiful region.  It is an honor to build and maintain our relationships with the Beaver, Cree and Metis peoples, in peace and friendship.